Autoimmune Epilepsy
The Cunningham Panel™ – autoantibody testing to assist in the diagnosis of autoimmune epilepsy

Digging Deeper for Answers

The Cunningham Panel(Autoimmune Encephalopathy and Basal Ganglia Encephalitis Panel) includes a series of high-complexity blood tests that assists clinicians in determining whether a patient’s neurologic and/or psychiatric symptoms may be due to an underlying autoimmune response.

The Cunningham Panel measurements to determine autoimmune epilepsy

The Panel measures the levels of autoantibodies directed against specific targets in the brain (Dopamine D1 and D2 receptors, Lysoganglioside GM1 and Tubulin) associated with certain neuropsychiatric symptoms, including involuntary movements and seizures. The fifth test measures the ability of the patient’s autoantibodies to stimulate the CaMKII enzyme that is responsible for the upregulation of brain neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Elevated levels indicate that symptoms may be due to an underlying autoimmune etiology.

autoimmune seizures

What is Autoimmune Epilepsy?

Autoimmune Epilepsy (AE) is a neurologic condition featuring recurrent seizures resulting from an autoimmune process, specifically neural antibodies targeting intracellular, synaptic receptor, or neural cell surface proteins. 1

AE occurs when the immune system produces antibodies that mistakenly target nerve cells in the brain, resulting in involuntary movements and seizures.

Refractory epilepsy is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, serious psychosocial consequences, cognitive problems, and reduced quality of life.” 2

Giving You Insights to Improve Patient Care

Identifying autoimmune-induced seizures can change the course of treatment and improve outcomes.

The Cunningham Panel™ test results can support a physician’s clinical diagnosis of autoimmune-associated seizures with laboratory evidence of an underlying immune dysfunction and assist in determining an appropriate treatment regimen, such as immunomodulatory therapy.

Lab Accreditation

Moleculera Labs is accredited by both CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment) and COLA (Commission on Laboratory Accreditation) (CLIA:37D2082408; COLA:25744).

Schedule an In-Service for Utilization of the Cunningham Panel™

We provide free, medical education services to assist clinicians in better understanding the Cunningham Panel™ utilization of results. Note: This service is open to individual clinicians and group practices only.

  1. Steriade, C., Gillinder, L., Rickett, K., Hartel, G., Higdon, L., Britton, J., & French, J. (2021). Discerning the Role of Autoimmunity and Autoantibodies in Epilepsy. JAMA Neurology, 78(11), 1383-1390.
  2. Tang, F., Hartz A., Bauer, B. Drug-Resistant Epilepsy: Multiple Hypotheses, Few Answers. Front. Neurol., 06 July 2017.
  3. Dubey D, Samudra N, Gupta P, Agostini M, Ding K, Van Ness PC, Vernino S, Hays R. Retrospective case series of the clinical features, management and outcomes of patients with autoimmune epilepsy. Seizure. 2015 Jul;29:143-7. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2015.04.007. Epub 2015 Apr 30. PMID: 26076858.