Utilizing the Cunningham Panel™ in Clinical Practice: Identifying appropriate patients and how its use can impact treatment
This presentation provides a basic understanding of the science behind infection-triggered autoimmune encephalopathies and how the Cunningham Panel™ of tests can aid in diagnosis and treatment.
Author’s Remarks: Biomarkers for basal ganglia encephalitis
Dr. Madeleine Cunningham discusses findings from a study examining whether anti-neuronal biomarkers, when used as a group, confirm acute disease in Sydenham chorea (SC) and pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS).
Evaluating accuracy and sensitivity of the Cunningham Panel for an infection-triggered autoimmune encephalopathy.
Data highlights value and reliability of Cunningham Panel in aiding diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune encephalopathy, characterized by neuropsychiatric symptoms.
Understanding the Cunningham Panel™
Dr. Craig Shimasaki, President and CEO of Moleculera Labs, briefly summarizes the panel’s five assays and their biological significance in helping a physician diagnose an autoimmune encephalopathy, such as PANS/PANDAS.
Cunningham Panel™ of tests
This animated video describes the various antineuronal targets impacted by PANS/PANDAS and the five tests which comprise the Cunningham Panel.
Clinicians: Schedule a Personal Phone Consultation with Clinical Staff
Learn more about how the Cunningham Panel™ of tests can assist you in diagnosing treatable autoimmune encephalopathies characterized by abnormal neuropsychiatric behaviors. Schedule your personal phone consultation with a Moleculera Labs clinical staff member by completing the form below.