Autoimmune encephalopathy is a condition in which antibodies produced by the immune system mistakenly attack healthy cells in the brain, leading to inflammation and the onset of neurologic and/or psychiatric symptoms. An autoimmune neurologic attack can be directed towards dopamine receptors, lysoganglioside and tubulin, or it can stimulate an enzyme (CaMKII) that regulates production of certain neurotransmitters.
The Cunningham Panel™ measures the levels of antineuronal antibodies directed against these targets, along with a cell-stimulation assay for the CaMKII enzyme. Elevated levels indicate there may be a treatable autoimmune component to a patient’s neuropsychiatric symptoms, and this differentiation can assist with the selection of an effective treatment modality.

Utilizing the Cunningham Panel™ in Clinical Practice: Identifying appropriate patients and how its use can impact treatment

This presentation provides a basic understanding of the science behind infection-triggered autoimmune encephalopathies and how the Cunningham Panel™ of tests can aid in diagnosis and treatment.

Author’s Remarks: Biomarkers for basal ganglia encephalitis

Dr. Madeleine Cunningham discusses findings from a study examining whether anti-neuronal biomarkers, when used as a group, confirm acute disease in Sydenham chorea (SC) and pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS).

Evaluating accuracy and sensitivity of the Cunningham Panel for an infection-triggered autoimmune encephalopathy.

Data highlights value and reliability of Cunningham Panel in aiding diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune encephalopathy, characterized by neuropsychiatric symptoms.

Understanding the Cunningham Panel™

Dr. Craig Shimasaki, President and CEO of Moleculera Labs, briefly summarizes the panel’s five assays and their biological significance in helping a physician diagnose an autoimmune encephalopathy, such as PANS/PANDAS.

Cunningham Panel™ of tests

This animated video describes the various antineuronal targets impacted by PANS/PANDAS and the five tests which comprise the Cunningham Panel.

Clinicians: Schedule a Personal Phone Consultation with Clinical Staff

Learn more about how the Cunningham Panel™ of tests can assist you in diagnosing treatable autoimmune encephalopathies characterized by abnormal neuropsychiatric behaviors. Schedule your personal phone consultation with a Moleculera Labs clinical staff member by completing the form below.

  • Test Order Process
    The Cunningham Panel™ – Antibody testing that helps determine whether an autoimmune reaction may be causing neurologic and/or psychiatric symptoms.